Tuesday, May 5, 2015


some of us are
squashed Potential
bent over ourselves,
tucked deep beneath
our insecurities.
captive to the fears
we've allowed to bathe
ourselves in

Thursday, January 15, 2015


We are not immortal.
Far from it

Oh Hello Again

You had been the stuff of my poems, immortalized in my literature.
I had forgotten you were real.

Bail Out

At the first sign of reality, I start tossing all hopes out the window. I look out and watch them fall south of my heart, then dip my head back inside before I can hear the sound of them breaking.


I think our hands are poison.
We lay our hands in the water
And contaminate streams.

I watch the heart of the ocean turn black
And the surrounding trees die by the riverside
Thirsty roots desperately crawl towards the edge of the water
Drained ever bone dry
At the touch of ironic moisture.

I wonder what did we do?
And where did it all go wrong?
When all we started with was love

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

When you pray for me

I am suspended upon the breath of your lips
The roll and lull of each pleading
That I no longer remember are mine.
I am a crumpled mess of tired trying
Befriending the coolness of this floor
And I'm not sure I can try this hard anymore.

But then I feel the way of your words
Upon warmed in the receiving hand of the Lord
Roll and tuck themselves beneath these heavy arms and aching head
And I am lifted ever so gently without my knowing
'til my eyes have settled above the base of this floor
And my gaze is upon His face once more
And I remember Him
My Lord my Love.
I stand
I walk

He tells me I will learn to dance again.

Sunday, November 24, 2013


The Cold rolls in beneath the folds of my bedsheets
Afflicting my lungs with a sudden ferocity
As It announces that It is indeed here.
I watch the Sun recede from my window
taking with it my memories of summer
and in my lucid paralysis I am replaced with an all too familiar fear.

I lie here with an overwhelming need for death,
so I can just stop

My blood is only warmed by my anger that the Lord has demanded
that I remain here
on this side of Life.

I have become unlovable. and will be unloved.